The Hispanic or Latin culture is quite present in the city
of San Fernando. This is due to the high percentage of people from Mexican or
Latin American descent who reside in this city. The following chart reflects that the majority
of people living in San Fernando are Hispanics. The businesses, the music, the
clothing, and the food around San Fernando truly reflect the Hispanic culture.
You can find many Mexican food restaurants, quinceaƱera dress shops, Spanish
songs playing in the local restaurants and stores, and clothing stores where
you can purchase boots and sombreros. Due to the high percentage of Hispanics
in San Fernando, it is almost certain that you will find Spanish speaking
people in the local businesses, schools, and in many other public services locations.
•Hispanic - 21,867 (92.5%)
•White alone - 1,259
•Asian alone - 192
•Black alone - 146
•American Indian
alone - 66 (0.3%)
•Two or more races -
82 (0.3%)
•Native Hawaiian and
Other Pacific Islander alone - 19 (0.08%)
•Other race alone -
14 (0.06%)
In the city of San Fernando there are 10,225 residents are
foreign born (42.7% Latin America).
This city: 43.4%
California: 26.2%
Religion statistics for San Fernando:
Percentage of
population affiliated with a religious congregation: 58.08%
San Fernando: 58.1%
USA: 50.2%